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During times of volatility, some investors can be spooked and question their long-term investment strategies. Some, may find the worry too much and feel the best thing to do is pull out of the market entirely and wait on the sidelines until they feel safe to move back in. Often the emotive decision, ends up being the wrong move long-term. With any market fall, it’s human nature that the experience of a loss is more acutely felt than the joy of a gain (‘loss aversion’). A degree of volatility in the market will always be a constant; therefore, it is important for investors to keep perspective and be disciplined in their investment approaches. Below is an outline of the long-term fundamentals to bear in mind.
Once thought of as an ‘end goal,’ retirement for many Australians now represents a new beginning – a time to learn, grow and explore. Life expectancies are on the rise and medical advances have improved our general health, giving people more time to thrive in their later years. Another game changer has been our superannuation system, which turns 30 this year. With three-decades worth of superannuation savings, many Australians aged in their 50s and 60s have accumulated meaningful amounts of money in super.
For advisers, having accurate information is vital to providing good advice. Your adviser may ask you to provide details of any previous super contributions you’ve made, before they can make any recommendations to add more. The easiest way to find this information out is through the ATO service on your myGov portal. You can usually gain access to this information in a few quick steps.
The changes in the Financial Services industry in recent years have completely redefined the advice process and the advisers that provide it. The latest figures* show that of the top 16 adviser licencee groups nationally, only 4 had a net positive influx of advisers in the past 2 years. Those 4 groups cumulatively attracted just 66 advisers, while the other 12 groups cumulatively lost 2,966 financial advisers.
How much money do you need to retire? It’s a question most Australians ask themselves at some stage. You may have heard you need $1 million – a figure that’s often mentioned. The truth is there’s no one-size-fits-all amount. A comfortable retirement will look different for everyone. The amount of money you will need when you retire depends on many factors..

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Superannuation is something most Australians are familiar with. It’s mandatory for employers to contribute a portion of your wages into a complying super fund, which is then invested to grow over time, ensuring you have a nest egg for retirement. Typically, we rely on external super funds to manage these investments, and there’s a wide range of options available—from low-cost funds to more tailored solutions.
These are common questions we hear from clients about to retire or already retired - regardless of how much wealth they’ve accumulated. With all the mixed messages in the media and the complicated rules around superannuation, retirement incomes and tax, managing wealth in retirement can feel overwhelming. Ensuring you live the retirement you deserve, takes careful planning - you need a budget and some goals!