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Aged Care

Planning to enter aged care can be a confusing and stressful time for you and your loved ones. Without support you might be faced with a rushed decision that results in unsatisfactory accommodation and/or a less than optimum financial outcome.

Rest assured, our advisers are here to help with:

  • financial advice on how keeping or selling your home will impact your aged care fees, Centrelink benefits and cash flow
  • setting up an easy-to-understand investment strategy that suits your family’s circumstances
  • making the most of any government entitlements

We can also refer you to an aged care consultant who can help you compare, choose, and apply to aged care facilities.

Book an appointment with our friendly aged care adviser today.

Request an appointment for Aged Care

Latest insights

As we transition from the working world into retirement, our financial perspectives undergo significant shifts. While we’re working, we have the reassurance of regular pay. This allows us to plan, save for one-off costs, and even extend our retirement timeline if something goes wrong. However, once we retire, the flow of a salary stops and we often face anxiety over the pool of money for retirement not being enough. Understanding the cognitive biases that affect us during these stages can help manage these transitions more effectively.
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