Fact Sheets
Below is a collection of Fact Sheets, Downloads and Audio Files on common financial planning concepts and strategies.
View file – Allocated Pensions
File size: 221 KB | File format: pdf
View file – Making Contributions to Super
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View file – Accessing Your Super
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How to Access your Super details via the ATO website – Link to video
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On 12 March, the Government announced a 0.5 percentage point reduction in both the upper and lower social security deeming rates. The Government will now reduce these rates by another 0.25 percentage points. As of 1 May 2020, the upper deeming rate will be 2.25 per cent and the lower deeming rate will be 0.25 per cent. The reductions reflect the low interest rate environment and its impact on the income from savings. The change will benefit around 900,000 income support recipients, including around 565,000 Age Pensioners who will, on average receive around $324 more of the Age Pension in the first full year the reduced rates apply.
"How to" videos
Goldsborough Policies
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At Goldsborough, we are fortunate that we have continued to grow over the many years we have been in business, thanks largely in part to client referrals. We take it as a wonderful compliment, as it reflects the trust and value our clients place in us, and the services we provide. With so many key decisions and long-term goals to be set, a referral from a friend or a colleague makes the decision of finding a financial planner that much easier.
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The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act sets out a list of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). It is Goldsborough’s aim to both support, and ensure we comply with, these principles.
We believe that this Statement will address any potential concerns you may have about how personal information you provide us is collected, held, used, corrected, disclosed, and transferred. You can obtain more information on request about the way we manage the personal information we hold by contacting us in one of the ways set out at the end of this document.
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It claims that the superannuation industry “encourages Australian’s to worry unnecessarily about whether they will have enough to retire on”. It describes the financial services industry as a “fear factory” encouraging Australians and policy makers to increase super contributions to its own benefit. The report claims that most workers could expect a retirement income of at least 91% of their pre-retirement income. We don’t think it sounds right.
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There are many resources available to help you talk about money with kids. And yet, the FPA’s Share the Dream report has found that many parents still find it challenging — they do not know how to talk to their children about money, what they should be saying, and when. This e-book is designed to help you initiate important conversations with children, tweens and teens, and contains some useful apps that can help them with their financial education journey!
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An e-book provided by Colonial First State regarding cyber-safety and how to stay safe online.
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A pocket-sized guide to spotting, avoiding and reporting consumer fraud
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As seen in the Business Journal of The Advertiser on Tuesday 8th December 2015
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Our team of advisers at Goldsborough have reviewed the budget announcements and filtered them into the items that we believe are most likely to affect our clients, and then grouped them into areas of interest. As we always stress these are just the announced intentions of the Government and most will need to passed by both houses of Parliament before they become law.
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Audio Files
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Unfortunately most people know someone who has been made redundant due to the economic fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic. For many this has been unexpected and involuntary. In this episode Lachlan Harvey and Brenton Miegel discuss the impact of redundancy with Jade Robran.
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In this episode Lachlan Harvey and Sam Martin discuss the changes to minimum draw down rates on account based pensions, the early release of superannuation and changes we are making here at Goldsborough to accommodate social distancing measures
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In this episode Will Chapman and Lachlan Harvey discuss the new payments offered by the Australian Government, including: the $1,500 JobKeeper Payment, the $550 Coronavirus Supplements and the $750 Additional Support Payment. Also the $10,000 Early Release of Super, the 50% reduction to account-based pension minimums and the reduction to Deeming Rates.
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In this episode Lachlan Harvey & Sam Martin discuss the importance of good financial planning now more than ever. They also cover the changes to Centrelink benefits, ways in which we can support our local economy, tips for challenging marketing conditions, life insurance (in relation to Coronavirus), plus more details of the Government Stimulus Package.
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In this episode we discussed risk\returns, super statements, financial jargon and insurance claims.
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In this episode we covered the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry- specifically the Insurance industry. We discussed some of the concerns that have been raised during this round of hearings, and how Goldsborough differs.
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In this episode we discussed our retirement planning seminars- why we hold them and who benefits, as well as the new “Downsizer” contribution rules – allowing those over 65 to contribute proceeds from the downsizing of their family home into Super. A great opportunity for those with surplus cash looking to top up their super balances!
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A key topic of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry is clients paying for services they have not been receiving. We discussed this and the different types of fees clients have been charged, as well as covered franking credits, what are they and how you can claim them from the ATO?
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In this episode we discussed a recent article which criticised the performance of Australia’s largest wealth managers Westpac, CBA, ANZ, AMP and IOOF and covered the question “Are investors better off choosing their own investments?”
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In this episode we discussed the new “Downsizer Contribution” rules, transferring of property from parents to children and the Centrelink impacts of doing so, and took several calls from listeners on a variety of topics.
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In this episode we cover last minute contributions to Super, tax deductions, transferring Super to Australia from the UK and the latest publication by the ACCC called the “Little Black Book of Scams”.
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In this episode we covered end of financial year super contributions, recent banking and financial planning headlines and some last minute “to-do’s” before June 30!
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2018 financial year is the first year that employees have been able to add a lump sum contribution to their super and claim a tax deduction for it. We explained; How you can add to super and claim a tax deduction, who can do it, who qualifies for the Government Co-Contribution scheme and much more!
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In this episode we covered the proposals within the 2018-2019 Federal Budget around super, the Age Pension and changed for those entering Aged Care and took calls from listeners.
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In this episode we discussed the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking and Financial Services Industry. One area that the Royal Commission has highlighted is “fee for no service.” This is basically where an investor has money deducted from their account and is not receiving the service promised. We covered some things that listeners can do if they find themselves in this position.File size: 30 MB | File format: m4a
In this episode, we discussed “What to do with your leave when you leave?”. Many clients are unsure whether to cashout their leave entitlements and if they do, what impact this might have on any Government benefits they might be entitled to. Lachlan Harvey and Brenton Miegel covered this and took calls from FiveAA listeners during this time.File size: 32 MB | File format: m4a
In this episode we discussed the ongoing Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry and what people should do if they have concerns about the quality of advice they are getting from their adviser.
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In this episode we discussed the Labor Party’s plans to prevent people claiming a refund of franking credits. We covered; 1. What is a Franking Credit? 2. Who is entitled to receive a refund for franking credits? 3. How can investors claim this refund? 4. Can you claim for previous years? 5. How do franking credits work in a super fund? 6. How do franking credits work in a pension fund? 7. Who could be disadvantaged by such a rule change? Retirees? Charities? Low income earners?File size: 17 MB | File format: mp3
In this episode we discussed retirement planning and how it is never too late (or too early) to begin. We took calls from listeners who were actively thinking about their own retirement, and discussed our upcoming Tomorrow Ready Talks and what we cover in these sessions.
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Estate planning can be a difficult subject to raise with family members. It can probably also make for some pretty dark radio conversation. We’ll aim to shed some light on the topic. • What can small steps can you take now to help your loved ones when you die? Will you be leaving a well-planned and organised financial legacy or an untidy mess of confusion and complication? • So, you’ve made a Will, and an Enduring Power of Attorney. That’s great. What else can you do?
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At the start of the calendar year we receive a lot of superannuation queries, perhaps people have had more time reflect on their finances. So, we’ll try to answer some of the basic questions: 1. Who gets to choose which super fund you use? 2. How much should your employer be putting into your super? 3. What happens if you’re self-employed? 4. Is it a good idea to make extra super contributions yourself?
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Today we discussed our “Tomorrow Ready Talks”. These talks are all about the challenges of planning a successful retirement. Put simply, retirement planning has never been more complex or intimidating. We cover: • Superannuation • Allocated Pensions • Annuities • Age Pension • Shares • Managed Funds • Aged Care
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