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I recently gave a speech to the Unley Rotary Club on Cybersecurity and awareness of financial scams; the audience had some fantastic follow up questions and many more than I expected. The interesting outcome for me from that presentation was the audience’s sheer diversity of understanding of what scams exist, how they affect people and what someone can do to avoid those risks. Some were genuinely shocked, others apathetic; It won’t happen to me, I’m not affected as I don’t use Facebook, what can I really do to stop it…?
As a proud South Australian business and industry leader in financial services, Goldsborough has nurtured a workplace culture that attracts and retains great people who want to grow with us, both from our internal team and client perspective. We recognise that culture is an outcome of those that contribute to it and our contributors (our people, professional relationships & our clients) have been key to our longevity.
It feels like the investment world has been listening to the Hedgehoppers Anonymous 1965 song lately; where good news is bad and vice versa. One can be forgiven for having to ponder why investment markets have moved in unexpected directions this year. I’ve seen equities rise on news that we’re going into a recession and defensive investments being sold off because a recession isn’t happening quickly enough. Isn’t a recession bad? Don’t shares fall and bonds rise on bad news? Well, maybe, but it’s only part of the picture…
If you’re about to apply for a Centrelink benefit such as the age pension or Commonwealth Senior Health Care Card, you’re going to play a game called Centrelink Snakes and Ladders… The purpose of this is to suggest some tips to finding more ladders and fewer snakes. The difficulty with a Centrelink application tutorial is that everyone's experience in applying for a benefit is different and subject to so many personal variables, let alone the complexities of the system itself. There’s a reason why so many clients prefer to simply pay us to help them with the system barriers, jargon, enormous time delays and hair pulling stress that can be avoided!
It’s tough coming up with some interesting and witty dialogue for this year’s mini federal budget, when it’s exactly that, mini. There are not a lot of maximums on offer for any demographic, although the growing spending on NDIS and Defence are certainly not ‘mini’. Parents may benefit from increased spending in Childcare and more self funded retirees will be able to get the Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card, thanks to increased income test thresholds (now legislated on Oct 28th, 2022).
The changes in the Financial Services industry in recent years have completely redefined the advice process and the advisers that provide it. The latest figures* show that of the top 16 adviser licencee groups nationally, only 4 had a net positive influx of advisers in the past 2 years. Those 4 groups cumulatively attracted just 66 advisers, while the other 12 groups cumulatively lost 2,966 financial advisers.

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Australia’s superannuation system has achieved significant growth, with assets increasing from $150 billion in 1992 to over $4 trillion today, and projections estimating it could reach $9 trillion by 2040. This growth has positioned the system as one of the largest pension pools globally. Over the past 20 years, regulatory efforts have encouraged consolidation, reducing the number of funds by 93%. This has led to the emergence of large-scale funds that now dominate the sector, controlling over half of its assets.
Are your investments well diversified? Do they align with your personal risk profile? Do they cleverly optimise risk and return? Are you a believer that time in the market beats timing the market?