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If you or someone you know is going through a significant workplace change such as a merger or corporate change, call us. The highest profile change locally is the Adelaide Uni merger and there are plenty of others on the go.
Superannuation is something most Australians are familiar with. It’s mandatory for employers to contribute a portion of your wages into a complying super fund, which is then invested to grow over time, ensuring you have a nest egg for retirement. Typically, we rely on external super funds to manage these investments, and there’s a wide range of options available—from low-cost funds to more tailored solutions.
I recently gave a speech to the Unley Rotary Club on Cybersecurity and awareness of financial scams; the audience had some fantastic follow up questions and many more than I expected. The interesting outcome for me from that presentation was the audience’s sheer diversity of understanding of what scams exist, how they affect people and what someone can do to avoid those risks. Some were genuinely shocked, others apathetic; It won’t happen to me, I’m not affected as I don’t use Facebook, what can I really do to stop it…?
$1,000,000,000 ($1 trillion) will be passed on to the next generation of Australians by 2025, this number is projected to balloon to $3.5 trillion by 2025. It is a life altering event and one of life’s major financial crossroads, bringing new challenges and complexity as your lifestyle and wealth management goals change.

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These are common questions we hear from clients about to retire or already retired - regardless of how much wealth they’ve accumulated. With all the mixed messages in the media and the complicated rules around superannuation, retirement incomes and tax, managing wealth in retirement can feel overwhelming. Ensuring you live the retirement you deserve, takes careful planning - you need a budget and some goals!
Australia’s superannuation system has achieved significant growth, with assets increasing from $150 billion in 1992 to over $4 trillion today, and projections estimating it could reach $9 trillion by 2040. This growth has positioned the system as one of the largest pension pools globally. Over the past 20 years, regulatory efforts have encouraged consolidation, reducing the number of funds by 93%. This has led to the emergence of large-scale funds that now dominate the sector, controlling over half of its assets.