The Key Factors to a Happy Life.

South Australia seems to have dodged the COVID-19 bullet again, as we emerge from the most recent lockdown.

The relatively sudden and big changes put emotions to the test, as we dealt with home schooling, working or finding a job from home, and spending a lot more time with our partners. These kinds of changes to our routine, and the consequent uncertainty, can cause people to reflect and re-evaluate their lives and happiness.  As with the experience of volatility within financial markets, the stress of lockdown creates a risk of big life decisions being based on emotions, rather than through focusing on the bigger picture.  However, science informs us that the following factors will help us to weather stressful situations, and to make positive decisions in order to lead a happy life.


1. Financial security

Money is probably one of the most debated essentials for happiness. You generally don’t need to have a large sum of money to be happy. Financial security is all about having enough money to live and enjoy life. A financial adviser will work with you to bring your finances under control and provide peace of mind around cashflow and achieving your goals.


2. Health

This is a universally accepted essential. Your health is arguably the most important component of happiness. Humans were not made to live solely indoors, and regular exercise has lots of benefits, including a stronger immune system and improved mood. A financial adviser can also assist you to arrange Life, TPD and income protection insurance to cover any personal health risks.


3. Relationships

In addition to physical health, mental and emotional health are also vital to well-being.  You don’t need fifty best friends, or to join all the online social networks. What you need is some core people in your life who care for and respect you, and vice-versa.


4. Work

COVID is changing the way work is performed for many of us, and some of those changes will be here for the long term. Work provides financial benefits obviously, but it also provides meaning and purpose, structure and social interaction.


Happiness is about making the most of the good times.  With these base essentials being in the right balance, it can make is easier to cope effectively during difficult times.

Financial Planner AFP® | M.FF | Authorised Representative No. 401525

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