Goldsborough celebrates 30 years on radio with FiveAA

Join us as we celebrate 30 years on radio with FiveAA Thursday 29th March at 3pm.

Our advisers now join the fabulous Jade Robran every second Thursday at 3pm to shine a spotlight on financial planning topics and answer your questions. We are now being live-streamed via Facebook and Twitter. Follow the link on the FiveAA homepage.


After 30 years of talkback radio and an amazing 605 guest appearances, John Oliver reflects on his first time on radio as being “more nervous than any time in my life during that first appearance in 1993,” but his favourite memory was the final show with the late Bob Francis, “all our advisers went into the studio and had a lot of laughs reminiscing about the odd calls we’ve had received over the years.”

Goldsborough’s founding Partner, the late Glenn Todman was the first to appear on air in 1991, he then teamed up with John Oliver in 1993 to become the “finance experts from Goldsborough” on FiveAA. When Bob retired in 2013, the team continued as guests on Jeremy Cordeaux’s evening show, before moving to our regular afternoon slot in 2017.

Brenton Miegel recalls his most memorable call, “a call that we took late one night from a person who asked what I thought about investing in a camel farm. He explained that he worked FIFO at Roxby Downs and had seen wild camels, wondering if they could be farmed. My response was a polite, ‘I’m not sure’, instantly realising that it was a good mate of my brother who was trying to stitch me up on air!”

Lachlan Harvey and Brenton are now the longest-serving of the current panel of advisers. Lachlan reflects that “it’s been an amazing opportunity to work with some of the most talented people in radio including Jade Robran and Alan Hickey as well as three Radio Hall of Fame legends in Jeremy Cordeaux, Tony “Pilko” Pilkington and Bob Francis.”

The Goldsborough team are extremely proud of this long-standing commitment to educate, inform and promote better financial planning in the community. We remain firm in our belief that financial planning improves people’s lives.

We would love you to help us celebrate our 30 years on radio by answering the following questions:

  1. How has financial planning made a difference in your life?
  2. How would you describe your financial planner?


We look forward to hearing your comments. You can email [email protected] or text 0448 08 1395.

Don’t forget to tune into FiveAA 1395 at 3pm every second Thursday. You can give us a call live on air on 8223 0000.

Financial Planner AFP® | M.FF | Authorised Representative No. 401525

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